Countdown meter on top of TV screen on Bengali channels.
Shows on puja-based themes (like around goddess Durga and her sons and daughters).
The economic downturn effect...budgets of star Pujas (including those abroad) cut down...lack of sponsors.
Mad rush for shopping...no discounts on bigger brands.
Articles on this year's themes of pandals and idols. New trend: greenery themes (with painstakingly grown real green over months).
Untimely rains.....but no holding back shoppers.
Mahalaya....various actresses playing Durga on various channels..including Sandipta (on Star Jalsha) who plays a housewife named Durga in a soap on the same channel.
Outdoor advertising bounces back....hoardings at prime locations all booked.
Makeshift hoardings set up by Puja commitees dotting the roads.
Eco-friendly LED lights the new trend in many Pujas...as well as solar lights.
Finally...Maha Shasthi- the 'Bodhan' day...It's difficult to concentrate on work any more...rush of pandal-hoppers sends traffic movement haywire..with the stretch from Gariahat to Ruby Hospital taking one-and-a-half hour insted of 20 minutes (The same stretch has the superstar puja Bosepukur Shitala Mandir).
Puja awards anouncement starts.
Puja is on.....enjoy!
(Photo sourced from: www.anandautsav.com)