In an age when multiplex is the fashionable place to catch up a movie and among single screen theatres choices are painfully few, and most of the middle-class households watch a new movie at home either on pirated VCD or on cable (which runs a pirated VCD only), there seems to be a revolution brewing. Moser Baer, a well-known homegrown co. of removable storage media (CDs, CD-RW, DVD etc), has silently forayed into home-video with their jaw-dropping pricing in this year. Their VCDs of Indian films come at Rs 28 and DVDs at Rs 34, and they are claiming high quality standards and top-class packaging.
What makes these 'impossible' prices happen? Well, as they are saying, their proprietorty patented technology that besides producing world-class production standard, brings down the cost significantly. And they are passing on the entire benefit to the consumers by charging rock-bottom prices.
While the rent of a VCD is Rs 10, it makes great sense to rather buy it out paying just Rs 28 and watch it and show it to friends and guests at home over and over again. Not only the original VCD will score over the rented pirated VCD, it will also free us from the guilt of committing a crime (Of supporting piracy). Now everybody can build his/ her movie collection at home without thinking of cost.
To back up the pricing strategy the company is getting aggressive on distribution front, eyeing stationery shops and other unconventional outlets apart from video/ music stores and supermarkets. They are starting their exclusive stores- owned and licensed- as well that will sell the entire Moser Baer product range. The first one in Kolkata is at OP House at Ultadanga crossing.
The USP of their library of titles is a strong presence of regional movies. The company recently launched 75 Bengali movie titles in a glittering event in the city. They included Swapno by Haranath Chakraborty and Aamra by Mainak Bhaumik which came on home video for the first time. Superstar Prosenjit did the honours (Picture above shows Prosenjit unveiling the collection. (Picture source)
Upmarket solutions in products and services is definitely lucrative. But when comes a middle-class solution like the Moser Baer range of VCDs and DVDS, the business potential is huge, simply because consumers are measured in millions. The perfect example is Reliance Mobile- what they've done to mobile telephony in what short a period, simply because they targeted the entire middle class! Little wonder, the ambitious Moser Baer plans to sell a popular title in millions of units and not in lacs which is the present reality.
For a thorough look at their collection and ordering online, visit their site Moserbaerhomevideo.com.